Well, I'm a big fan of cleaning up. It's entirely different from being a neat freak. The eye appreciates order (until some other organ calls out for more disorder)--it's pleasing to see the towels hanging neatly and the bed made. Your pix make another good point: a bunch of loose shit is a bunch of loose shit until you put it in something and it becomes one curated thing. And I've always felt that despite the moment of freakout looking into the kitchen after having people to dinner, doing the clean-up is a cheap high, taking less time that you feared--this goes here, that goes there, etc. Not so different from late-editing/proof-reading. Be well, Sara.

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I agree about curating! And I love cleaning up after a party, the sense of restoring order... completing a task. A cheap high for sure!

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I've had that kind of encounter with one of my corneas before - may you be seeing more clearly again soon (and feeling no pain).

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Thank you, Christine! It took about 5 days to completely feel better, but I think I'm back to normal now. Such a particular, and intense, pain!

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It IS terrible. So glad you're doing better, Sara.

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