Sep 8·edited Sep 9Liked by Sara Rauch

Sara: Can't figure out how to back channel you. Want to tell you you make a cameo in my next post [My Summer Vacation"]--I re-read XO over the break. The post also mentions picking up Jenny Erpenbeck's [Booker International winning] KAIROS in the Minneapolis airport--I'm only a third of the way through it, but I think you'd dig it.

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Oh my gosh, I'm honored that XO merited a re-read! And I just took a look at the synopsis for KAIROS: it looks amazing! Going to get myself a copy post-haste.

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Also, I confess I had to look up "back channel" -- I learned something new today! I'll shoot you an email from my email, so you'll have it for the future...

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Sep 4Liked by Sara Rauch

I feel the same, Sara - I wrote a long, rambling letter to my closest college friend a couple of days ago in part because end-of-summer nostalgia had be me reflecting on a couple of events from our junior year in Strasbourg - 32 years ago - gah... And I loved Boys of My Youth - I still think about one or two passages in it frequently.

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This time of year really brings out the nostalgia! Memory can be such a gift, maybe especially when it is shared? 32 years ago! I love that you're still reflecting on those events, and connecting over them... Boys of My Youth has been on my to-read list forever and then a copy just kind of fell in my lap last week -- it captures so much so well.

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Sep 5Liked by Sara Rauch

I need to reread it - it’s such a good book and yes, nostalgia…this time of year it’s really powerful (more so than New Year’s for me, I think).

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Sep 3Liked by Sara Rauch

Can't say I've ever been told "I hope you're sad, too" so kindly!! <3

I happen to have an unread copy of Jo Ann Beard’s Boys of My Youth on a shelf -- AND the novel I started yesterday isn't quite resonating as the right choice for right now -- so I wonder if this is a sign to get book clubby with you this month??

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I LOVE this idea!! I'm about halfway through now and could totally use a reason to slow down and savor it a bit more...

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